
7 Random Confessions

I got tagged over at Blogthismom. This won't be easy, because I have a tendency to blurt out everything all the time anyway. But I will try. And I assure you, it will be boring:

1.. I had huge crushes on Barnabas Collins of "Dark Shadows", Mr. Scott of "Star Trek" and Johnny Cash when I was 10 years old.



I don't do bras unless I am wearing white.

3. I, once, threatened an ex-girl friend that I would beat her up (no not as a teenager).

4. When I worked full time as a hospice nurse, a patient of ours challenged the hospice team to an ice cream eating contest. Two of us took him up on the challenge. The twist to the challenge: since he had to be fed his ice cream by someone else, we weren't allowed to use our hands. So we ate our ice cream doggy style. I have photos somewhere. We laughed, giggled and snorted mint chip ice cream up our noses. He won!

5. When I was in high school, we went to see Chicago in concert. I spent the entire concert in the bathroom, because on the way there I drank a whole pint of coffee brandy- straight. I saw the opening song and one encore number- that was it.

6.. I used to hitchhike all over the town I live in, when I was in my early 20's. I looked like a young boy and dressed kind of that way, too. So most people that picked me up didn't bother me much. I was picked up by a police officer who gave me a ride to where I was going and didn't ticket me but scolded me. Once, a guy picked me up who was "jerking off" after I got into the car. I got out at the first stop light.

7. I once smoked pot in the parking lot of my Catholic high school, then went to algebra class totally stoned. Which was dumb because that nun knew me better than most people. But she didn't turn me in.

Okay- told you it would be boring. Tag you're it!


Sojourner said...

I never met anyone else who had a crush on Barnabas- I always thought I was weird for that.

My, as my partner calls them, "itty bitty titties", are nearly invisible with or without bras.

Isn't it silly to spend good money on concert tickets then spend the whole time in the bathroom?

I hit a girlfriend with my open hand and was in my 20's, and I was in my 20's when I hitchhiked.

Yes- you get honorable mention for the Hagen-Dazs.

I am assuming the boyfriend you mention was a part of the list on your blog?

Karen Jensen said...

brandy? ah well.

Mike Golch said...

Not boring,sounds pretty normal to me.At least you did not try to climb up a bridge abutment and a building that were only 2 feet apart and if you sliped you would fall to your death.Thank God Irv and I survived that stupid stunt.