

Yesterday, I blogged in the morning and it set the tone for my day. I had a great day. So, I thought I would try it again, today. Unfortunately, at the moment I cannot think of a thing to write about.
I have been thinking a lot about the triplets that used to live across the street from me. They have been in foster care for the last 3 years. Their father- who abandoned them when they were 2 has spent the last 2 years trying to get them back. Now they will be going to live with him soon. I am worried about them. They are now 6 1/2 years old, and the foster family they have been with has had them since they were 3. Really, that's the only family they know. Their father is now married to a woman with 4 children of her own. And to me, he seems still preoccupied with himself. I really don't know what to think of all of this. I have been very close to the boys since they were tiny babies. All I can do is to try to maintain that closeness and keep an eye on the situation.
My mood is falling. What made yesterday so good? I felt awake, alert, alive all the way. I had more contact with other people yesterday. That always helps. I went to my yoga class last night, which ended the day on a positive note. I made a lovely piece of jewlery. But these things were more a product of feeling good than what made me feel good itself. Well, actually they were intertwined. I felt good, did more stuff that helped me continue to feel good, which encouraged me to do more stuff that helped me feel good.
So why so gloomy today? More questions. Always questions.

1 comment:

Mike Golch said...

Hey kiddo,when you are felling down do something you know will lift your spirits.Sometimes I pop a c/d of hammered Dulicmer music into the computer and listen to that to lift my spirits up.
There are other things I do as well,when there is something bugging about my surounding I just say the serenity prayer to my self
God Grant me the SERENITY to except the things that I cannot change CURRAGE to change the things that I can and WISDOM to know the difference.
This has helped me many a times especially whem my nemis(drinking) tries to take over my life again.
(The one thing that I wish I was better at is spelling.Please if the words are mispelled I hope you understand what I'm trying to say)