
More searching

A week since my last post, still not too much to say. I take that back. I had an enjoyable weekend. I went to the annual flower show at our local cathedral on Saturday with some dear old friends. I had been to neither the flower show, nor the cathedral in several years. In fact, had not even seen the renovations, now 8 years old. It all still looks brand new and is quite beautiful. A former friend of mine was one of the artists that worked on the restoration of the artwork of the ceiling. When I saw it, I felt a bit sad about the ending of that friendship. Maybe some day I will write about that. I, also, went to an event at which Matthew Fox spoke. It was named "The Cosmic Circle: multimedia ritual music poetry dance celebration". I found it quite interesting and stimulating. And I saw several people I hadn't seen in years, which was very enjoyable. It was the first event with a "spiritual" purpose that I had been to in a very long time. I wish I had written when I came home because I had some thoughts and feelings then which have, of course, evaporated with time. There was dancing to loud music that I was at first uncomfortable with (mostly because of the volume). There were drummers- wished I was drumming with them. There were people walking around with these plaster heads and torsos on that made them much taller than everyone else. One was of Gandhi, there were 3 more that I recognized as spiritual teachers from Africa, South America, India, but don't know their names. Their effect on me was that it brought out the little child in me. I wanted to shake their hands or hug them. They kind of shied away from that. Part of the ritual was to walk around the room and say "Namaste" to each person you met as you bowed to them with hands folded and looked them in the eye. This was very moving to me- I found myself in tears when people actually did look me in the eyes. Many wouldn't, however. I wanted that connection with them- and more. I wanted to talk to people- which was not really a part of the evening.
There was an invitation to attend a worship service the next morning at a church whose pastor is a lesbian and someone I know. Matthew Fox was to speak there. I wanted to go- because there were so many people I knew there who attend that church and because Matthew always has interesting things to say. But I was lazy in the morning- laid in bed drinking coffee and reading the paper instead. Yes, I have some minor regrets. Only about not hearing Matthew. I can always go to that church if I want. But not sure I want. I am pretty anti-church these days. And I have heard that this place is pretty "evangelical". Definitely not my thing. Still unsure as to what "my thing" is. But that, you see, is why I am here- still seeking!


Karen Jensen said...

keep seeking, friend.

SusanFeather said...

Matthew Fox --Dancing with the bear; takes one on a time warp to the 70's. Time warps eternally anyway, so lessons come around and around until experience is grounded. Be well, friend of Lucy