
It is Tuesday and I am working. Been out on one visit so far, tonight, and came back smelling like I had been in a bar. Patient wasn't even smoking while I was there. I don't have a lot to say tonight, but thought I would post, anyway, to keep in practice. I am trying to see the differences among these fonts. There aren't lot.
I am glad to see that other people are reading my blog. Even commenting. Nice to know one is contacting someone somewhere in the world.
Wish I would sell something on my Etsy page. I have only made 2 sales off of there in over a month. Well, hopefully things will pick up a bit. What can I expect with the stock market bottoming out.
Th-th-that's all folks. Good night.

1 comment:

Karen Jensen said...

Hey Sojourner! I'm glad to see you're still at it. I noticed that our "scores" on the presidential quiz are very close. Interesting, no?