
Up to my ass in hot water.

This morning I awoke to Jen: "honey, I can't turn off the hot water in the bath tub." Great way to be awakened on a morning when the temp is -11 degrees below zero! I was just going to sleep in. HA! She gets to go off to work, I get to stay here and deal with THIS!

I scrambled to find a plumber and called one to set up an appointment. They will be here "sometime between 10 and 12". Great- my hot water is POURING down the drain.

I hate to waste water, and gas.But guess what? No shut off valves to the bathroom in a house built in 1977! And I am afraid to shut off the water at the main valve because it is SO cold my pipes might freeze. I shut off the hot water heater, and so far I have topped off the hot tub, filled the kitchen sink and now am working on the washing machine- in the basement, in the opposite corner of the house. It's -11 degrees out and I am sweating like a pig, from running up and down the stairs with 3 gallon buckets of water every 3 minutes.

The washer is almost full and I am trying to figure out what to do with the water next. Can't fill the tub, the plumber will have to get in there when he comes. The animals are all looking at me like "what the f*%$?"

And as if that isn't enough, as I am running up and down and in and out, one dog puked in the living room and the other shit in the hallway- cause it's so cold he won't stay out there long enough to do it outside! Got it cleaned up, though. Don't worry, didn't step in it.

Good morning!


Claire B. said...

I'm not even going to complain about being "chilly" this morning! What a mess!

Mike Golch said...

man,that sounds like that you had a riugh day.

dkuroiwa said...

If I didn't know better, I'd think that was a MOnday...damn. Hot water, poop and puke...me thinks you should go buy a lottery ticket, because odds are in your favor!!!
"Come on lucky 7!!"
(I have no idea where that came from, but it did give me a chuckle!!)