
Wake up!

Whew!! I just read an essay by Robin Morgan :http://www.womensmediacenter.com/ex/020108.html It really got my brain in gear. I had forgotten what a powerful essayist she is. But more than that I had forgotten so much in terms of feminism. I had forgotten because I have become complacent and addicted to the American drug: "feel good". It is too easy to just think we are there, because I am doing well- have a house, good job, etc. It is too easy to think that I = we when everything looks good from where I am standing. I gotta get off my butt and look outside of myself.

Sure, I think about global issues: global warming, fuel prices, etc. I have become a vegetarian because I don't want to support an industry that abuses animals and contributes to global warming. But what have I done to further the cause of womyn lately? (Yes, Karen, womyn with a "y" for you!) So, today, I am asking any readers who might be looking at this blog, to please read this essay. This is my effort to further the cause of womyn today!


Karen Jensen said...

It's a great essay, isn't it? We do forget that misogyny is everywhere. And it's not cute.

Mike Golch said...

It is truely a great essay and it makes one really think.